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See the other side of the Balloon Ralley
The Great Wellsville Balloon Rally Committee is an all volunteer group with the mission of organizing a Hot Air Balloon Festival in scenic Wellsville, New York. This event is the largest in the area.
What to directly help the balloonists?
Are you interested in joining a chase crew? If so, please contact brian.t.magee@gmail.com

What to help organize and run the event?
The committee is comprised on a Board elected by the Membership and headed by the Rally Chairperson. It is further comprised of committee’s focused on specific areas of the event. These committees are comprised of the rally membership. Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Wellsville Campus of Alfred State College. The location is the building behind the Energy Efficient Home.
Board of Directors
- Jim KnappJim.Knapp@steubentrust.com
- Jamie Hermanjhermanscr@yahoo.com
- Deb Thompsonsewingirl3@hotmail.com
- Bessie Jonesbessie.jones@communitybankna.com
- Mark Wiedemann mwiedemann@yahoo.com
Pilot Hospitality
- Steve Pettenati brian.t.magee@gmail.com
- Michele Pettenatimpettenati2@yahoo.com
Corinne Davis
- Kerry McCraekerrymccrae@gmail.com
- Lloyd Riefenburg Jr.jerky2_2000@hotmail.com
- Tink LaForgeDLaForge@Dresser-Rand.com
- Shelley Butlershelleybutler60@hotmail.com
- John Burley oneball09@yahoo.com